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Build for less and faster with Intabuild. 

Interlocking bricks and fast-floor solutions.

Planning, Design and Construction.

We help you build quality residential and commercial properties, cost-effectively.

Interlocking Bricks

Intabuild Logic Bricks help you build your dream home or commercial property faster, cheaper, and with quality guaranteed.

Logic Bricks are compressed earth cement interlocking bricks. Globally, interlocking bricks are a practical and cost-effective technology for replacing traditional masonry, by reducing the reliance on heavily skilled labor, expensive materials, and time-consuming construction processes. 


The key concern people have about interlocking bricks is their durability. The technology for Logic Bricks by Intabuild is based on decades of global use and compares favorably in durability against traditional masonry and other lower-cost construction materials and processes.

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Decking (Fast Floors)

Intabuild Logic Floors use prestressed concrete beams and blocks as the foundational elements for producing fast floors and decking. 


Floors and decking made using this system are cheaper and faster to produce, with quality guaranteed, based on decades of prestressed concrete technology.


Save time and money on residential and commercial building construction with Intabuild Logic Floors.

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Residential Building Plans


Intabuild provides standardized residential and commercial building plans for our clients, to help them quickly get started on their next building project.


Our standardized plans allow us to provide our clients with good and fast cost estimates for building projects using Logic Bricks and Logic Floors.


Currently, we have plans for a 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom home and commercial store plans in development.  Talk to us about our building plans.

Who We Are

About Intabuild

Intabuild was born out of the practical desire of its founders to build their own homes cost-effectively and faster. The path they envisioned was to use labour, construction materials, and construction processes, which produced quality homes, without the traditionally expensive and time-consuming nature of building construction in Ghana.


Interlocking bricks, fast floors for decking, and a new approach to professional services (planning, design, and construction) is the solution we crafted. Intabuild exists to extend this technical knowledge and practice to others for residential and commercial building projects.




Project Staff


Interlocking Bricks Made

200 m


Floor Decking Produced

Felix Aninkora

Technical Director, Intabuild Limited

Our Services

We Offer a Range of Services to Meet Your Needs

We provide services to help execute building projects using our interlocking bricks and fast floor decking. 


Residential Construction

Commercial  Construction



Engineering Works

Interlocking Bricks Training

What We do

Our Projects

Our current portfolio of projects showcases our core mission of bringing new technology, building processes, and training for faster and more cost-effective building construction.


 Morny Residence

2-bedroom modern home built using Intabuild Logic Bricks, finished with plastered/unplastered interior walls and unplastered exterior walls, all painted to client custom scheme. 

Tawia Residence Side

Prestige Homes

A 3 bedroom two-storey residential home, built with Intabuild Logic Bricks and Logic Floors

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4 Unit Block of 2-Bedroom Flats

This project includes the completed Morny residence (Unit 1), which in its full scope is a 4-unit 2-bedroom block of flats built using Intabuild Logic Bricks and Logic Floors (decking). Unit 2 is currently under construction.

Get a free consultation

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